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VinVerify is a service for searching for any Australian registered motor vehicles. This search helps to find a vehicle history and its correct detail. VinVerify platform are to help new buyers in checking right detail. They need to check for history of a used car. They look for any damage records. Or if any serious criminal historyor accident write-off associate with the vehicle. With this service, you can get the right details of the vehicle. You can also get any previous history of that vehicle. Thus help you make the right decision.

Our goal is to support our customers in the inquiry they need. We want to ensure that they received updated information on their vehicle search. That includes current registration or updated insurance detail. A way make them benefitted in taking the right decision.


What is VIN

A vehicle identification number, in short VIN, is a 17-digit unique number given to it by its manufacturer

What is the PPSR Certificate

An official government Certificate issued by the Australian authority The Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR)

Where to look for VIN in my vehicle

VIN is a 17-digit number written on the car’s body, which you look for on the windscreen or inside the body once you open the engine cover or on the body while the driver side door is open.

What is REVS?

REVS means Registered Encumbered Vehicles. This is a government system that handles registering vehicles with Encumbrances. It tells you whether a car is on loan or has any money owed against it.